To everyone involved in early childhood education
Of children involved in music education for many years, I was teaching the kids we have more than 10,000 people so far, myself, was surprised that many times the possibility of infinite talent and children I do not know.
What will be "cornerstone" of talent to be equipped with all the children, from an early stage to develop and how to stimulate it, or generate as "talent" is important.
However, to bring out their talents are not taking the appropriate measures should not be.
This point, the music, and perhaps one of the most appropriate tool to foster the ability to stimulate the brain to take full advantage of the sensory organs, the basis of all talent.
By the basis of three "to know ,to act, to develop" or "raise-act-know" and consciousness is repeatedly executed, the program "TecGenius Brain Activation" music, as proposed by me, the human the brain to grow surely be inspired by.
I sincerely hope that many children will be blooming talent gifted education through a network at any one person, they become an active part of the future opinion leaders in various fields is not limited to music.
この点、音楽は、感覚器官をフル活用して脳を刺激するので、あらゆる才能の基本となる能力を育成するに最も適切なツールの一つといえるでしょう。私の提唱する音楽プログラム「TecGenius Brain Activation」は、「to know, to act, to develop」すなわち 「知る・行動する・高める」の3つを基本にし、これを繰り返し実行することを大切にしています。これを意識することで、 人間の脳は確実に触発されて発達するからです。
Tsutsumi Method weighs importance on human development during primitive baby period and early babyhood period.0 to 1 year old is considered as primitive baby period, 2 to 3 years old as early babyhood, and 3 to 4 years old as late babyhood. Tenderness, thoughtfulness, sadness, happiness, and harmony are emotional elements important for core human quality. Most of this develops in this stage of human growth, and it was considered that emotional quality develops human brain to control intellectual thinking.
つつみメソッドでは、乳児期と幼児前期は人間形成の上で大変重要な時期だと考えています。0才から1才は乳児期、2才から3才は幼児前期、3才から4才 は幼児後期です。やさしさ、おもいやり、悲しみ、喜び、そして協調といった感情的知性は、その人の人間としての最も大切な骨格の部分、いわば基礎・土台となります。それらのほとんどがこの時期に形成され、実はその大部分が脳の発達や成長と多いに関係しているのです。
Tsutsumi Method comes from basis of sight, hearing, feeling, memory, and revival to reactivate organs. It has importance and top priority to develop emotion and sentiments needed for art such as music and fine art. There is much more important idea than just
teaching to explain wonderfulness of music. The main theme is to encourage communication from three elements as a whole. Using System of colored sheet music, this method inspired feelings to enjoy and to grow, so that children will socialize and befriend each other. From the communication skill, children develop sensitivity and creativity.
There is no such way to learn beauty from the word alone, because perception to feel "beautiful" surely comes from gentleness and thoughtfulness. I strongly believe that children will learn and grow up from heartful experience. That idea is Tsutsumi Method.