5M Piano is that it will play in the order the keyboard of the same color as the color of the note,The split open easily in any song, is a music application using Tsutsumi method. It will come true in no time the wish that the "want to play the piano".
5M Piano は音符の色と同じ色の鍵盤を順番に弾いていくことで、どんな曲でも簡単に弾ける、つつみメソッドを用いた音楽アプリです。「ピアノを弾いてみたい」という願いをあっという間に叶えてしまいます。
App features
The world's first music character you can easily play anyone. You can not mistake the sound play, with absolute pitch. With family and friends, enjoy easy.
世界で初めての、キャラクター楽譜(front line staff)は、誰でも簡単にピアノを弾くことが出来るようになります。
In the main screen, music by character appears, colors are displayed in the keyboard press. Therefore, it can be manipulated to play sensuously along the score that appears. In addition, the sound source data of the accompaniment is also included, you can play the melody while listening to karaoke. It is possible to download accompaniment data.