Sheet music / 楽譜
TecGenius Brain Activation is, using the "TSUTSUMI METHOD 〜 keyboard and the note of color is the same color."Anyone easily piano from children to adults, it is a music method, etc. play keyboard.
TecGenius Brain Activationは、「TSUTSUMI METHOD〜鍵盤と音符の色が同じ色」を用いて子どもから大人まで誰でも簡単にピアノ、キーボードなどが弾ける音楽メソッドです。
TecGenius Hook on Classic
The Classic music that was also acclaimed broadcast Disney entertainment at NHK Educational TV "music fantasy dream" was arranged rhythmically, spring, summer, autumn, and is a four-CD set of winter.
Birthday Card / バースデーカード
TSUTSUMI METHOD (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue. Pink) and is the world's first spiritual card that collaboration. Come, favorite people, please give a gift to your friends. Now also enjoy from children to adults, and been producing the card on music You so enjoy to go.
TSUTSUMI METHOD(赤色、橙色、黄色、緑色、水色、青色。桃色)とコラボレーションした世界初のスピリチュアルカードです。是非、好きな人、お友達にプレゼントして上げて下さい。これからも子どもから大人まで楽しめる、音楽に関するカードを制作して行きますのでお楽しみに。
Tecgenius Brain Activation 12 Souls
People do not forget, I chose a Gentle souls, caring souls, compassion souls, of the 12 necessary in order to live such as Sound souls.
January / 1月
Caring Souls
Caring souls are warm hearted and intriguing.
February / 2月
Compassionate Souls
Compassionate souls radiate tenderness and care about others.
March / 3月
Sincere Souls
Sincere souls reflect like a mirror the true nature of those around.
April / 4月
Pure Souls
Pure souls look forward to the coming day and enjoy good relationships.
May / 5月
Gentle Souls
Gentle souls are tranquil and full of love.
June / 6月
Beautiful Souls
Beautiful souls are abundant with excellence and grace.
July / 7月
Lovely Souls
Lovely souls are content and enjoy peace of mind.
可愛い心は、人に満足感を与え安心がひろがる。〜 可愛い心の持ち主
August / 8月
Brave Souls
Brave souls are strong and full of optimism.
September / 9月
Sound Souls
Sound souls have courage and strong heart.
October / 10月
Tenacious Souls
Tenacious souls posses dreams and the strength to survive.
November / 11月
Cheerful Souls
Cheerful souls are sincere and filled with joy.
December / 12月
Respectful Souls
Respectful souls are aware of and appreciate their relationship with others.
Tote bag / トートバッグ
Symbol color of TecGenius Brain Activation (red, orange, yellow, Green, light blue, blue, in the pink motif), A4 size sheet music, notes, We design to be able to be used for other needs, such as a file.
TecGenius Brain Activationのシンボルカラー(赤色、橙色、黄色、緑色、水色、青色、桃色)をモチーフに、A4サイズの楽譜、ノート、ファイルなどその他のニーズにも使用出来るようにデザイン致しました。